
Extracts include all genealogical information from over 13,000 notices and obituaries with an every-name index of the deceased, their survivors, ancestors and others mentioned in the item. …. Two Volumes 712 pp, paper, 1994

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Compiled by Lois Barris

This work contains death notices I have extracted, mostly from the Fredonia Censor 1819 through 1899, some from other sources. These sources are coded: FC = Fredonia Censor, followed by date of publication, CF = Chautauqua Farmer, FA = Fredonia Advertiser, DO = Dunkirk Observer, FF = Forestville Free Press, MS = Mayville Sentinel, WR = Westjield Republican. These were found on microfilm at Reed Library on the campus of SUNY College at Fredonia and at Patterson Library in Westfield, New York.
Each notice is headed by the individual \’ s name, the date of death if given, and the source. This heading is followed by an abstract of pertinent information contained in the notice. Many abbreviations are used such as fnrl = funeral, yr = years (of age), yrs for years (of time), ae = age, ch = church or children, res = resident or residence, b = born, d = died, mar = married, rem = removed, and perhaps many others that we hope the researcher can interpret……
Pages 620- 623 contain an addendum of records accidently left out of our 1991 printing. The index beginning on page 624 includes every name mentioned in the abstract except for the officiating clergy. In many cases the notice was a lengthy obituary or memorial. A researcher with a special interest in an individual listed herein may wish to contact the Barker Library Museum, 7 Day Street, Fredonia, New York 14063. They have an extensive card file that has been developed by museum personnel and volunteers from the Chautauqua County Genealogical Society. Museum personnel can furnish a copy of their card or perhaps a copy of the original notice. They may also be able to furnish additional information about an individual or family from other sources in their collection………
Lois Barris .. 1992